Company Strategy

Ecobess Sdn Bhd was established in Malaysia on September 24th 1996.

Our primary objective is to meet customers’ expectations on the products and services that we offer, with emphasis on quality, timely delivery, cost competitiveness and responsiveness to changing needs. The dedication of our employees and strategy of our management has, over the years enabled us to grow from a single entity to a corporation in our own right.


Business Strategy                   
  • We recognize that the business we are in is ever changing, highly competitive and demanding 
  • We are constantly challenged by other developing Asian economies.
  • Our long terms success hinges largely on our priority to participate in niche businesses in which we have competitive advantages that would be difficult to emulate.


Strategy Development                      
  • Customer Partnership
  • Focus On Core Competencies
  • Internalize Our Quality Culture
  • Vertical and Horizontal Integration