Our Quality

Quality Policy

  • Our Aim
    Ensure company profitability by creating satisfied long-terms customers.


  • To Achieve This
    We must consistently offer excellent quality products, timely delivery and cost effectiveness.  All employees must be 100% responsible for their job functions.  We are totally committed towards our goal of achieving and sustaining long-term growth through continuous improvement.


  • Success Requires
    Us to know our customers need and their competition, our manufacturing must be error free, service must be responsive, cost must be competitive and close co-operation with all our customers and vendors.


  • And Last But Not Least
    The active collaboration of our employee at all level of activity.


Quality Culture

Responsive to customer needs                 
  • We In Ecobess Define Quality As Conformance To Customer’s Specification Without Exception

Quality Products

  •  Entrenched In All Aspects Of Our Business Activities Is The Company’s Commitment To Total Quality Control (Tqc)  With Total Employee Involvement

On Time Delivery

  • “ Prevention”, “Inspection” And “Correction” Is Our Methodology.

Cost Effectiveness

  • We Practise Constancy Of Purpose Towards Quality And Productivity.


Quality System

There are 4 levels encompassing the organization Structure, Responsibilities, Procedures, Processes and Resources necessary for effective management of all technical, administrative and human factors which contribute to the quality of products.

Level 1    Quality Manual

  • Top level document defines policies as stated by the company and adopted by all operating areas.
  • Quality manual sections.

Level 2    ISO Procedure

  • Procedures which defines the processes by which activities are carried out and their inter-department interface 
  • Process control plan procedures.

Level 3    Work Instructions

  • Explain how to perform designated tasks or activities.

Level 4    Quality Records

  • Supporting documents